What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is an established system of diagnosis and treatment that lays its main emphasis in the structural and mechanical integrity of the body and problems that may arise.

It is a safe and natural way of diagnosing and treating a multitude of conditions that result in pain and discomfort. It focuses primarily on the musculoskeletal systems of the body (muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints).

Osteopaths use a wide range of techniques. Osteopathic treatments, which may vary according to the needs of each patient, may include techniques such as gentle spinal manipulations, soft-tissue massage, joint articulation and muscle stretching. These osteopathic treatments encourage optimal movement and release restrictions that may occur, hence easing pain and discomfort. 

Even though Osteopaths work closely with the local General Practitioners, a referral from your Doctor is not necessary. Osteopaths treat all age groups. 

Osteopaths may give postural advice and discuss exercises that may help improve your mobility and reduce discomfort particularly at your workplace and daily routines. 
back pain
Are you plagued by joint or muscle pain? Call Alexia Cook D.O. Osteopath on
01977 642 085
07881 538 303
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